
A Moslem Scholar Responds to Rantburg Critics
From Jihad Unspun
Some of these ‘intellectual’ migrant-coolies have extended their services by proclaiming themselves as ‘experts’ in Islam, merely because of Muslim ancestry. When it comes to Islamic experts, the Western mass media is full of them, you have Jewish ‘experts’, atheist ‘experts’, Christian ‘experts’, and even the professed anti-Islamic ‘experts’, but nowhere can one see the experts who actually profess to adhere to the message of Islam.
We hear from the Wahhabi "experts" periodically...
One should note that all these so called ‘experts’ amongst the migrant coolies usually have three things in common: they have received no formal education in Islam, no attempt has been made to engage with genuine Islamic scholars and they never provide an alternative. .... They mock religion in general but yet assume to uphold and use religious criteria’s, whilst not realising it, as one would expect from ‘intellectual’ coolies. As for example, they oppose incestuous marriages, but if the ration is the sole criteria, what is the rational reason for not marrying ones mother or sister? Many of them have wives, so why resort to the religious institution of marriage instead of cohabiting? ....
Poor example. We've actually touched quite a few times on the Arabs' and other Muslims' penchant for marrying close relatives. Genetically, the relationship between first cousins doesn't really differ from that between brother and sister. Two brothers have the same random sample of genetic material inherited from Grampaw and, if they also have the same mother, Grandmaw. The rational reason for not marrying one's sister is the peril of in-breeding: buck teeth, hemophilia, increased chance of retardation and/or deformity, all the nasty things that can pop up when recessive genes are allowed to come together and play.
Issues of ethics and morality are not simply a matter of mechanical computation of the mind but emanates from a certain belief about life itself. When a thief steals there are no independent magic formula to derive the just retribution but it simply comes down to ones belief. If there is a magic formula, then can these coolies explain why serial killers in US are executed but they are kept alive in warm cells in Europe?
Post WWII cultural differences account for that. Neither the U.S. nor Europe amputates limbs or lops people's heads off, though the Frenchies used to.
Can they also explain their constant rants about the ‘immoral’ nature of polygamy but yet they sanction homosexuality and other forms of perversions?
Because in the West the relationship between God and man is relegated to the personal level, not a matter of diktat from on high. The availability and use of birth control changes sexual relations from being a matter of procreation that's also pleasurable to being a matter of recreation that can also — but only if desired — result in procreation. Because we don't have an all-powerful fatwah machine looking into bedrooms, we're free to argue over what behavior is acceptable outside the bedroom in light of the news rules that came into effect with the introduction of reliable birth control. While I, personally, have nothing against polygamy — I think every man occasionally has fantasies about having his own harem, chock full of nekkid and willing babes — I also view the argument on its pros and cons in the same light I view the spat over whether homosexuals should be allowed to marry. Westerners take their multiple wives serially, rather than all at the same time, and that muliplicity has a bad enough effect on society. But taken as a societal argument, rather than a requirement by fatwah, most of us are willing to listen to reason. But you need more reason to back it up than just "God sez so."
NB: The reason for their lack of substation is that, they have little to offer other than being critical of Islam, a true characteristic of intellectual bankruptcy.
I'm getting low on brain cells, maybe, but I haven't declared intellectual bankruptcy yet.
Some of these migrant-coolies do not bother to hide their vile polemic under the guise of ‘legitimate research’. Recently, in a well-known website, a author has engaged in using abusive and foul language in maligning the Prophet of Islam as a ‘terrorist’ without defining what constitutes ‘terrorism’. Nor does he attempt to elaborate on the various criterions that he uses to malign the Prophet of Islam. Not surprisingly, he also does not provide any alternative. Anyone can engage in endless diatribe but genuine scholarly criticism is usually accompanied with an alternative.
The Prophet lived about 1400 years ago. The "terrorist" designation doesn't apply, whether his actions then would fit the definition of terrorism today or not. Hyperbole on a few websites can be put down to free speech. Bumping off unarmed women and children and old people — civilians of any type, with the occasional but not universal exception of political leadership — qualifies as terrorism. The Prophet's sexual antics, on the other hand, were out of the ordinary even for 622 A.D.
Such ‘intellectual’ migrant-coolies are without honour, who have nothing to protect, as they are empty of any genuine solutions other then their constant rant and foul mouthing against Islam. So, they go about like the Mongol hordes attempting to commit only destruction not to rebuild anything.
This isn't quite as destructive as armies of turbans swarming all over the world blowing things up and killing innocents in the name of their religion, however. It doesn't cause nearly as many corpses. In the West, firearms and explosives aren't considered a normal part of rational intellectual discourse. Ask Salman Rushdie.
Scholars of Islam in the past have had genuine debates with the scholars of Europe and other civilisations. The likes of Imam Ghazali, Bayhaqi and others are still admired by the West for their scholarly engagement. Most of which these ‘intellectual’ migrant-coolies are dwarfs compared to the scholars of the West. They will have to do far more to pose a challenge to Islam. Abstaining from using foul language would be a first step in their education.
No one was using that sort of language — at least no one anyone took seriously — prior to the 9-11 attacks and the "war between civilizations." On the other hand, prior to the 9-11 attacks, Soddy and Pak schoolbooks were pushing the concept of Islamic super-doopermen and the inferiority of infidels. Some of us even link the two facts (the schoolbooks and the attacks, not the schoolbooks and the lack of animosity in the West) together in a chain called Cause and Effect, a phenomenon that the Islamic world, especially the part that writes in Jihad Unspun, has demonstrated difficulty understanding.
The old principle of “judging the tree by its fruits” needs to apply here. Outbursts against Islam as being inherently evil has to be explained by these coolies as to why so many free citizens of West and around the globe are still embracing it considering the adverse publicity that Islam receives from the sophisticated and vicious mass media of the West. Islam is said to be fastest growing religion, hence it must have some level of inherent momentum and dynamics.
Actually, evangelical Christianity is the fastest-growing religion, and they don't even kill people who change their minds. You might also want to look at the growth of agnosticism, which isn't a religion but rather a lack thereof. I don't know if atheism is growing or not, though if it is, I suspect it's not growing quite as fast as either agnosticism.
In contrast, how many followers have these coolies produced in their attempt to be saviour to mankind from Islam by their constant waffle? Most certainly scribbling on the Internet and in their virtual world will not generate that sort of following. ....
We're not proselytizing. We're sharing facts and exchanging opinions related to them.
Amongst the migrant-coolies posing as Islamic ‘experts’ you have the more ambitious characters portraying themselves as reformers. There is a so-called aspiring ‘Muslim’ reformer who professes to be a Lesbian. Is that not like a thief or an adulteress preaching about the virtues of honesty or chastity?
Nope. It's more like a Protestant trying to keep her sex life separate from her life in church.
If anything, it is her lifestyle that is in need of reformation, rather than Islam. Here an analogy can be made, if an individual through cursory self-study, claims to have studied medicine, then proceeds to ‘refute’ and ‘debate’ well established professors of medicine, that individual would laughed at. What if that individual then proceeded to practise his/her ‘finding’s – that, obviously would not be a laughing matter; but a criminal act!
There again is the equation of disobeying the fatwahs to criminal acts, that need to be physically punished. If I was a Catholic, and I disobeyed all the laws of the Catholic church, cursed, committed adultery, violated all the commandments, the Pope wouldn't send a goon squad to bump me off. The Pope would ignore me. Maybe, if I was a sufficiently important public figure, they'd do the thing with the bell, book, and candle, and I'd be formally no longer a Catholic. 600 years ago, of course, when the Christian and Muslim religions were still competetive, I'd have been bumped off. One religion matured, the other didn't. Catholicism matured because of competition from Protestantism. If I was a Methodist and violated all the commandments, the followers of John Wesley wouldn't have me killed; they simply wouldn't invite me to dinner.
Similarly, another prominent self-proclaimed reformer, a devout Islam hater and a professed feminist by the name of Taslima Nasreen. Like the previous case she also has no formal education in Islam. It is interesting that she has called for reformation rather then being frank and state what she really means, abandoning Islam altogether. Naturally, as one would expect she has been awarded fellowship at Harvard, audiences with heads of states, for her services in maligning Islam, using rehashed arguments borrowed from the Orientalists and Western feminists.
I'm not a mechanic. If I was driving my car down interstate 95 and suddenly it began belching smoke and hideous noises came from under the hood, I'd still be able to tell there was something seriously wrong with it.
Let alone provide any alternatives, these irrational rationalist fail to see their inherent contradictions within their own actions and statements. As an example she opposes polygamy but yet she confessed in her latest book to prostituting herself as a mistress to married men, thereby making many monogamous men polygamous!
We regard those relationships as being between her and the men, rather than a matter for the state (or a caliph) to be interested in. We can argue about whether it's in good taste for her to brag about it, though. If she hadn't said anything, I'd never have known, would I? Nor would you.
Another example is her constant bragging about the equality of the sexes as if they are identical in every aspect. Perhaps she can set an example by getting rid of the segregated male and female toilets and changing rooms at Harvard as a first step. Such types of segregation is practiced and indoctrinated to the school children even in the gender-obsessed Western world acknowledging the inherent differences in male and female.
The writer has his cultural and religious viewpoints so inextricably entangled he'll never get them unraveled, even if he tries. He's obviously never been to Japan.
Note again, she offers plenty of criticism but very little in the way of alternative. Bereft of any intellectual originality and having failed to generate any kind of following, she has resorted to writing pornographic type of materials exposing her sexual ‘adventures’ in her old age. She states that she is not ashamed of what she has done; naturally, shame can be only felt by those who have honour and self-dignity. Just like wild beasts fornicating openly feels no shame, and human beings imitating the animals by disclosing personal information equally feels no shame. ....
I prefer to keep it behind closed doors, too, but what she does is none of my business, nor yours, unless it involves me or mine.
The Western media, its intellectuals and governments have given such rabble-rousers an inordinate amount of publicity and support by honouring them with various accolades. This demonstrates how much they hate Islam whilst preaching that it is the Islamic world that is full of hate. Even if the Islamic world does express hate, is it abnormal to express such emotions, under occupation and aggression? It is clear to see that an honest insight into Islam is not the objective of the ‘open minded, liberal, enlightened, Western academics’. If this was their goal, why than have obscure, non-entities like the coolies in question, become reference points rather than orthodox Islamic scholars? Even their own academic institutions are providing ‘arguments’ and challenges that are far more scholarly and worthy of a response. Which also indicates how desperate the political leadership in the West has become in their quest to manufacture a modern day Islamic Martin Luther, thus they are ready to adopt any old coolie.
That's because you're belching smoke and the knocking from your engine is deafening.
Thus in summary, attempting to silence criticism(s), attacking Islam, promoting obscure individuals on the basis reformation are all aimed at undermining Islam. This shows that the West is still medieval when it comes to dealing with Islam. Intellectually inept to cope with arguments hence they are increasingly resorting to the fascists tactics of their forefathers by incarceration, slandering though its powerful mass media whilst denying Islam/Muslims a voice, of course the coolies are ever present offering their ‘services’.
That's a pretty piss-poor pitiful rant, if I may be allowed to be redundant in my description. I'd give it no more than a 4.3. If this is a "Moslem scholar," then their educational system really does need revampting.

Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-03-06