
Obama deceiving Middle East - al-Qaeda
OSAMA bin Laden's right-hand man Ayman al-Zawahiri has taken aim at US President Barack Obama in a new video.

The al-Qaeda second-in-command accuses Mr Obama of continuing to spill the blood of Muslims and saying Israel was a "crime" that must be wiped out, according to a US monitoring group.

He also dismissed Obama's Middle East peace push as a "deception," and accused Mr Obama of seeking to create a "Palestinian state that works as a branch of the Israeli intelligence," according to a transcript published by the SITE Intelligence Group.

"Israel is a crime that must be eliminated,'' al-Zawahiri said, according to SITE.

Zawahiri also rejected Mr Obama's overtures to the Muslim world as an illusion, pointing to raids in Pakistan's tribal regions and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and speaking of "bloody massacres."
Posted by: tipper 2009-08-04