
Iranian tourists stone Israeli positions
Iranian tourists pelted Israeli positions with stones at the Fatima Gate border point during a visit to the Southern region Friday, having arrived in Lebanon on a trip from Syria by way of Western Bekaa.
Why, that was astoundingly brave of them!
On the opposite side of the border, scores of Israelis and foreign tourists were sighted moving around in a park at Metullah settlement, while soldiers manned their fortified positions. The Iranians numbered about 90, among them lawyers and university professors, and included men, women and children. Their first stop over was in the former Khiam detention camp, once run by Israeli occupation forces or their allied militiamen. Those looking after the notorious camp, which has since become an important landmark, explained to the visitors methods of torture once used against detainees, especially resistance fighters. The tourists then moved to a spot facing Metullah and took some snapshots after having disembarked from two buses. A university professor from Teheran, Hamdi Nazeri, said the group had come to Syria and from there to Lebanon on a tourist trip “to have a look at the border and see what happened to the Jews after their defeat in May 2000.”
Posted by: Fred 2004-03-07