
Suicide Bomber Attacks NATO Troops, Kills Only Himself
[Quqnoos] A suicide bomber attacked a convoy of NATO-led forces in the northern Afghan province of Kunduz on Monday, officials said.
The north is supposed to be the safer area.
There were no casualties on the troops, said an Afghan Army official, Major Abdul Wakil Ehsas, while monitoring the blast scene, 4 km south of the provincial capital.
Are the Taliban as laughable as Al Qaeda in Iraq yet?
More so -- Hekmatyar can't throw a grenade ...
"A suicide bomber driving explosive-laden car blew it up close to the ISAF forces in Sedarak area at 7:25am and partially damaged an armored vehicle," Major Ehsas told Quqnoos.
Apparently not close enough ...
OMG!!!!!!!! Partially damaged an armored vehicle? With a VBIED? Utterly pathetic. Perhaps if their master bomb makers didn't keep finding themselves at the wrong end of hellfire missiles, and their drivers were true believers instead of madrassah boys just discovering what graduation means, we kufrs wouldn't find ourselves once again laughing at Taliban ineptness.
Troops from Germany and Belgium are making the majority of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) stationed in the relatively peaceful northern Afghan province. A purported Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying the bomber has killed around 10 foreign soldiers.
"Our boy done good!"
Afghan government officials and ISAF forces dismissed the claim.
Trying very hard not to snicker openly as they spoke.
This is the second time over the past two days that ISAF forces came under attack in Kunduz province. Militants also opened fire on German troops in Kunduz province on Sunday but caused no loss of life or damage.
Truly pathetic. Dear Reader, let this be a lesson to you to get a well-rounded education from a reputable institution. Firmly eschew the nearby madrassah, even should they offer a full scholarship.

Posted by: Fred 2009-08-11