
Afghanistan: Taliban launches attacks south of Kabul
[ADN Kronos] Taliban militants in Afghanistan on Monday were reported to have launched attacks on government buildings south of the capital Kabul, killing at least one police officer.
It was five police officers in another story...
In a third story (which I just made up) it was seventeen policemen... and they didn't use rockets, they killed them with their teeth!
The militants reportedly fired four rocket propelled grenades
Did they use one of those multiple launcher thingies the Russians used in World War II, or did they stand in the middle of the street shooting from the hip like Rambo?
at the governor's compound and local police headquarters in the city of Pul-i-Alam, capital of Logar province, about 60 kilometres south of the capital, the governor's spokesman Din Mohammad Darwesh said. A spokeswoman for US and NATO-led troops in the capital, said they were investigating reports of a Taliban assault in Logar.

Monday's reported attack resembled the brazen assaults on the eastern cities of Khost and Gardez last month, when suicide bombers, some dressed in women's burkhas, and gunmen attacked government buildings.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid was reported as saying six suicide bombers had entered Pul-i-Alam. Attackers inside the buildings were reported to have been surrounded by Afghan soldiers and police.
That worked well. Not how the jacket wallahs intended, but well nonetheless.
Taliban militants have vowed to derail the presidential elections on 20 August and have stepped up their attacks.
Do they realize this will be another win like Al Qaeda in Iraq, if the elections go off more or less as planned? Nobody mentions AQI anymore, when once that was the battlefield that would establish AQ's Caliphate...
Four civilians including a child were injured on Monday when a roadside bomb struck a police van in Khost, in eastern Afghanistan. The injured were taken to hospital and one was reported to be in a critical condition, local officials said.

Six Taliban fighters planting roadside bombs were killed by their own explosives in the restive neighbouring southern province of Zabul, an official cited by Afghanistan's Pajhwok news agency said on Monday. Nawbahar district chief Mullah Zarif said the Taliban's commander in the district, Mullah Muhammad Naeem, was killed along with two associates in the explosion. Another three guerrillas perished in a similar incident that occurred in Makhan locality of the same district, Zarif added, without giving further details.

A suicide truck bomber died on Monday when he detonated his explosives close to a NATO patrol in the centre of Kunduz, capital of northern Kunduz province, said local police chief Abdul Razaq Yaqoubi. The suicide bomber was the only victim of the attack, Yaqoubi said.
Posted by: Fred 2009-08-11