
Humor by Specter fails to tranquilize health care hecklers
Sen. Arlen Specter deployed a novel countermeasure at his raucous health care town halls on Wednesday: humor.

"I consider it a compliment that you want to come back," Specter (D-Pa.) cracked during a round of boos, a reference to the hecklers who derailed his health care forums Tuesday.

Heck, Specter even booed himself at one point. Not that it did him much good.

He told CBS News the rage and venom constituents have displayed at town hall summits go beyond health care.

"There is a mood in America of anger with so many people unemployed," he said. Specter speculated the anger "all boils over" when voters have the opportunity to vent at a lawmaker.

And around the country, lawmaker after lawmaker continued to get hammered Wednesday by constituents angry about the health reform proposals winding through Congress. In North Carolina, Democratic Rep. G.K. Butterfield lost his cool during a contentious meeting when one protester shouted "Read it!" - a reference to the legislation.

"How do you know I haven't read it?" he snapped, according to Raleigh newspaper the News & Observer.

In Iowa, a self-described "dumb southern Iowa redneck" told GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley, "I see nowhere in the Constitution where health care is a right. I want to hear it from [President] Obama, I want to hear it from [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi, about how this is about 'We the people,'" the man added, according to Politico.com.

Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin was shouted down at a meeting in his home state of Maryland. "With all due respect, you're not listening, senator!" one man screamed at Cardin, Politico reported. "You're not listening to us!" And many in the audience chanted "Just Say No!" to overhauling the nation's health insurance system.
Posted by: Fred 2009-08-14