
Was missing Russian cargo ship really carrying wood?
I don’t believe that pirates have seized the Arctic Seam and I am leaning more towards the idea that whoever is in control of the Russian cargo ship, he is either a Russian organized crime figure or somebody other than a high seas pirate. Come on think about it, the ship is carrying timber for crying out loud; at least that’s what the Russkies are telling us.

I’m kind of thinking that it is the cargo that is being ransomed off, if in fact a ransom demand had been made, and that whoever has taken control of the ship hijacked it specifically for what he could get in exchange for that cargo. Nobody, not even the dumbest of pirates, could possibly believe that a load of timber would be worth that much, right?

Pirates or whoever putting their lives at risk for wooden planks. Yeah-right buddy!

Ransoming off wood, are you f**king kidding me? There something more than just wood on that ship, but the Russians aren’t going to say anything about it. They will keep their cards close to their chest, if only because whatever is onboard that ship, the rest of the world wouldn’t be too happy about it. I still think it is weapons, perhaps even missiles, destined for a country that is on an international arms embargo list.

There is no way a pirates hijacked the Arctic Sea for a cargo of timber, not unless there was something special about that particular timber, and for anybody to suggest that pirates or anybody else would put their life on the life for a load of wood is a crock of you know what.

But according to the Finns, there has been a ransom demand for the ship and its crew, and who is anybody to argue with Finns as to the veracity of their claim. I’m thinking the Finns are full of shit myself, but it’s there ship, and if they say they received a ransom demand for a ship that has apparently disappeared off the face of the planet, then so be it.

I don’t think the French are buying into the Finn’s claim of a ransom demand either, but only because they didn’t believe the Finns when they said they had picked up signals from the missing freighter somewhere in the Bay of Biscay, just off the coast of France.

I think the whole “pirate thing” is bogus, that the disappearance of the ship has nothing to do with pirates, and everything to do with the real reasons it was headed to Algeria. I’m thinking that the Finns and the Russians were up to no good together, that the deal they made with somebody in Algeria for something other than timber went terribly wrong and now the Finns and the Russians are in some sort of damage control mode.
Hey, rampant speculation, but heck what's not fun about that?
Posted by: gromky 2009-08-16