
Bin Laden video shown in Shane Kent terror hearing
A VIDEO featuring Osama Bin Laden has been shown to the court during a pre-sentence hearing for Melbourne terrorist Shane Kent.

Mr Kent, 32, has pleaded guilty to one count of intentionally being a member of a terrorist organisation between July 2004 and November 2005. The former forklift driver from Campbellfield has also pleaded guilty to one count of making a document connected with the preparation of a terrorist act.

Prosecutor Lesley Taylor told the court Kent helped make the propaganda video designed to encourage others to carry out a terrorist act. Ms Taylor played the video to the court which featured video footage of Bin Laden and a voiceover of Arabic words with a calming water background noise.

Tributes to more than a dozen Islamic 'martyrs' also featured, including one image of a young man's head after he had been killed.

"The Crown says this is an unapologetic video in the cause of violent jihad," Ms Taylor said.

Kent's lawyer John O'Sullivan said his client was a "could've been" terrorist who made excuses when asked to meet with other members of the group. "Essentially he is a barracker," he said.

The pre-sentence hearing before Supreme Court Justice Bernard Bongiorno is continuing.
Posted by: tipper 2009-08-18