
Postal workers disgruntled by Obama remarks
The National Association of Postal Supervisors has fired back at President Barack Obama
"Don't panic! It's just a metaphor. No reason to get the Secret Service all worked up. Ev'body just chill..."
for dragging the U.S. Postal Service further into the health care debate. In an Aug. 14 letter, NAPS President Ted Keating accused Obama of using snailmail the Postal Service as a "scapegoat" and unfairly painting it as "an example of inefficiency" during a health care town hall meeting last week. Obama told a crowd in Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11 that private health care insurance providers should be able to compete with a government-run public option because "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. . It's the Post Office that's always having problems."
Thus comparing health insurance companies to FedEx and the public option to the Post Office. Smooth, Bambi, real smooth ...
Keating pointed out that UPS and FedEx revenues are falling faster than Postal Service revenues, and reiterated the overtime, management and work hour reductions the Postal Service has made over the last year: "With all of these efforts underway within the Postal Service community, it was a kick to the chest to have you take a shot at a group of federal employees who are working hard every day to support this country.

"Employees of the Postal Service are largely represented by unions and management associations, all of whom strongly supported your candidacy last year. For our support we do not expect any special consideration. However, we would like to be treated fairly and not have our current situation misrepresented, especially by the Commander-in-Chief."
Posted by: Mike 2009-08-18