
Color of Change lies about Beck advertisers
Note: I might suggest that Rantburgers might want to take notice of the intent of this site. If someone else brought this up previously, my apologies for missing it. Also, I'm placing this under 'seedy politicians due to the stink wafting around Van Jones, Bama's 'green' czar. I'll post about that later after searching to ensure it hasn't been posted already
Color of Lies: Best Buy Denies Pulling Ads Off Beck

Yet another of the Astroturfing Activists' Claims Turn to Dust Under Scruitiny. Hate to say it, but we told you so.

Even though our community of Glenn Beck fans have contacted Best Buy to protest their well-hyped supposed boycott of Beck's #2-rated show at Fox News Channel, we demurred from adding ANY of these new advertisers to our "turncoat" list. Simply because we can't believe anything Color of Change prints.

Whether it is their petitions, which always suspiciously seem to have "75,000 signatures" (#1) (#2), or whether it is company after company we actually SPEAK to who deny their claims and then continue to place ads with Beck, such as Roche's AccuChek, placing ads on Beck on every show since their supposed "boycott", and denying it to us as well by email.

Even though thousands of emails were likely being sent to them today, we took the time to clear all this with Best Buy before adding them to the boycotting list. At last, around 3:00, they got back to us...

from: Hawks, Lisa
to: info@defendglenn.com
date: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:05 PM
subject: Best Buy

Good afternoon-

I noticed on your web site that you have incorrect information about
Best Buy and advertising related to the Glenn Beck show. Like some other
retailers, we have never been sponsors of the show. We have not
advertised in or around the show. We do advertise on FOX, but only
during an early morning timeframe. We have not changed our advertising
strategy on FOX. It would be helpful if you could relay this information
to your viewers so they are aware.

I am in the office this afternoon if there is someone that would like to
connect directly.

Regards, Lisa

Lisa Svac Hawks
Director, Public Relations
Best Buy
7601 Penn Avenue South
Richfield, MN 55423

So there you have it folks, from the horse's mouth. Best Buy is NOT pulling its ads from Glenn Beck's show on FoxNews Channel. You can go ahead and take that price on the LCD you wanted. And let's hope the media and bloggers take note of this example--it worked for Reagan with a different Communist entity, it can work for you with Color of Change: "trust but verify".

UPDATE: We spoke with Ms. Hawks to confirm her email, and she adamantly refuted Color of Change's claims in their press release. She won't be the last. The lie about Best Buy applies also to WalMart, which has NEVER sponsored the Glenn Beck Show. Therefore the latest press release from Color of Change is basically meaningless.
Posted by: logi_cal 2009-08-19