
Cindy Sheehan hits 'hypocrisy' of Left, Democratic allies.
Byron York, Washington Examiner

After my column, "For the left, war without Bush is not war at all," appeared Tuesday, I got a note from Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war activist who was the subject of so much press coverage when she led a protest against the Iraq war outside then-President George W. Bush's ranch in Texas....

After receiving the email, I asked Sheehan to give me a call, so I could verify that the note in fact came from her. She did, and we discussed her plans to protest next week in Martha's Vineyard, where President Obama will be vacationing. "I think people are starting to wake up to the fact that even if they supported Obama, he doesn't represent much change," Sheehan said.... I asked Sheehan about the fact that the press seems to have lost interest in her and her cause. "It's strange to me that you mention it," she said. "I haven't stopped working. I've been protesting every time I can, and it's not covered. But the one time I did get a lot of coverage was when I protested in front of George Bush's house in Dallas in June. I don't know what to make of it. Is the press having a honeymoon with Obama? I know the Left is."...

I yield to no man, woman, child, mixed-breed puppy, or fancy parakeet in my loathing for Cindy Sheehan and her misguided desecration of her son's memory, but:

1. Give her credit, she at least believes in what she's saying.

2. She got used, big time, buy the Dem-Media axis.

3. She is smart enough to recognize that she got used.

Posted by: Mike 2009-08-19