
Obama's messed-up theology
Andrew Klavan, Pajamas Media

...President Barack Obama gave some theological weight to his health care plan during a phone call to a group of Rabbis the other day. Referring to the belief that God decides during the Jewish New Year “who shall live and who shall die,” Obama told the rebs, “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death.”

In response to this statement I would like to make a subtle theological point: No, we’re not. For those of you who aren’t versed in the finer points of theology, let me try to simplify that for you: No. We’re not. Or to put it even more simply: No. We. Are. Not.

Now, I’m not a big Bible quoter. I understand it’s not everyone’s book of choice and doesn’t constitute proof of anything to non-believers. But since the president is talking to Rabbis here and presumably referring to a God they would recognize, let’s go the source and see what the big book has to say....

When facing death himself, Jesus – a talented Rabbi in his own right – asked God to get him out of his perilous situation, but then added, “Not as I will, but as you will,” which suggests to me that even Jesus didn’t expect to partner with his father in these matters. Oh, but I forgot that was only Jesus. This is Barack Obama we’re talking about. Maybe I missed the Biblical exception…

At another moment, when Jesus stilled the stormy sea, his disciples asked each other, “What manner of man is this?” I would like to ask the same question about God’s partner in life and death Barack Obama: “What manner of man is THIS?” Somehow, I don’t think I’ll get the same answer as Jesus’ disciples.
Posted by: Mike 2009-08-21