
Hundreds vent frustrations at political event in Brewer
An estimated 450 people from throughout Maine's 2nd Congressional District and beyond gathered in Brewer Tuesday night to give their elected representatives a piece of their minds. The problem was U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe and U.S. Rep. Michael Michaud were no shows.

Instead the dozens of people who traveled from such places as Washington County, Casco, Saco, East Millinocket, Orrington, the St. John Valley, Bangor, and York County, had to make due by addressing blown up photographs of the three propped up against three empty chairs that had been reserved for them at the front of the room.
*snicker* Way to win over the voters, guys.
Tuesday night's gathering at Jeff's Catering in Brewer was organized by Paul Trommer of Bangor, who got the word out largely through e-mail invitations and other means of Internet networking.

"This is about people feeling disenfranchised by their elected representatives," Trommer said just before the start of the event, which lasted at least two hours. "Our representatives are ducking us and not having any public meetings with their constituents. This has many folks not only concerned, but upset and angry," he said in his invitation, adding that the point of the session was to allow Mainers to express their views and concerns regarding their representatives' actions in Wash-ington.

In his opening remarks, Trommer said he organized the town hall-style meeting because he was sick and tired of seeing people essentially being ignored by their congressional delegation.

"This isn't a Republican event. This isn't a Democratic event. This is a people event," he said, adding that he didn't plan the event in conjunction with any particular political party and that he received no funding to host it. Jeff Ashey, owner of Jeff's Catering in Brewer, provided the use of his hall at no cost.
Oh dear. It looks like professional community organizers are being replaced. President Obama got out of the field at just the right time.

Posted by: Fred 2009-08-27