
Obama Poll Numbers Crashing, Burning - 42% still drink Change flavored Kool Aid
President Obama’s poll numbers continued plummeting today with two pollsters independently confirming the precipitous drop in support the president has seen over the past few months. The Zogby and Rasmussen presidential tracking polls reveal that part of the decline has occurred among Democrats and liberals. In the Zogby poll, Obama’s support declined more than 13 percent among Democrats, which contributed to a 6 point slide from Zogby’s last poll in mid-July. Zogby had the president’s overall approval at only 42 percent.

Rasmussen polling has even worse news for the president’s advisers as the new numbers show only 30 percent of the country strongly approving of the job Obama is doing and 41 percent strongly disapproving, giving him a net negative rating of 11 points among those who feel most strongly about the issue.

At this point in their presidencies Obama and George W. Bush are about equal at 51 percent according to Real Clear Politics. However, Real Clear Politics uses an average that does not include the dismal numbers from Zogby. Regardless of the specific numbers, most polling firms are showing a consistent erosion of Obama’s position.

Driving the decline is troubling news for the embattled president. Republican support already reached a low point long ago, but as Zogby notes, Democrats have began to turn on the President who they see as caving to Republican demands on health care. Obama’s poll numbers were previously buoyed by support from Democrats and liberals. However, if the new polls are accurate, and Democrats continue to abandon him, his polls might start to freefall. If that happens, the task of recovering his former popularity will be a monumental task.

What’s a president to do?

The Obama administration has decided that focusing attention on Bush era CIA investigations is a winning strategy. This decision is quite stunning as Obama lost the last time he went head to head with former Bush administration officials, including Dick Cheney. Obama’s route back to popularity is already pockmarked with health care reform, cap and trade, and troubling economic numbers. He doesn’t need to fight another uphill battle. In the D.C. Writeup’s view it would be much more beneficial if he focused on getting health care reform back on track. We’ll be watching his next move carefully.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC 2009-09-01