
"Lions of al-Mufridoon" Claim Responsibility for Bombing in Spain
From Jihad Unspun
Link fixed 10:22 CST.
JUS has learned the Lions of al-Mufridoon has claimed of responsibility for the attack. Previously unknown, the group is suspected of links to Al-Qaida. Spain has been warned of their involvement with the "Crusader" army of George Bush and Tony Blair in previous Al-Qaida statements and more recently in both the last statements issued by Osama bin Laden and Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, which followed the attack on the Spanish embassy in Iraq. ... Spain has been the most vocal supporter of the "War on Terrorism" with troops still inside Afghanistan and currently 1400 soldiers fighting in Iraq. It is thought that if this latest attack is attributed to the war in Iraq that it could collapse president Jose Maria Aznar's vote in Sunday’s general elections.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-03-11