
Big bucks pour into S. Carolina race after 'You lie' outburst
Rep. Joe Wilson and Democratic challenger Rob Miller say they raised a combined $1.6 million in the 40 hours after the South Carolina Republican yelled "You lie" during President Barack Obama's address to Congress Wednesday.

That total -- $850,000 for Miller, $750,000 for Wilson -- is almost as much as the two men received over the entire 24-month campaign cycle for their 2008 race, when Wilson defeated Miller 54-46 percent.

The astonishing numbers -- all hard cash, in the bank via online contributions -- are the best indicator that Wilson's outburst and its aftermath have made him a marked man among Democrats and transformed his re-election campaign into one of the nation's most watched races.

Meanwhile, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn personally demanded that his fellow South Carolinian stand on the House floor and apologize to his colleagues for the outburst. Wilson had rejected the demand as unnecessary after his apology to Obama, but aides say he's weighing it and will decide over the weekend.

Posted by: Fred 2009-09-12