
Hill takes grilling on ethics, money in City Hall corruption trial
Yet another opportunity to play "Name That Party!"
Prosecutors in the Dallas City Hall corruption trial ended two days of contentious cross-examination of former Mayor Pro Tem Don Hill on Thursday with questions about his State Bar ethical violations, tax liens, and apparent misrepresentations in his testimony.

Federal prosecutor Marcus Busch told jurors that Hill, a lawyer, was found to have committed more than a dozen ethical violations while representing two clients but gave no specifics.

Hill bristled during the questioning but did not lose his composure. He pointed out that he reached a settlement with the bar and his former clients that enabled him to keep his law license.

Busch continued to drill Hill with questions about what he knew about the activities of his wife, Sheila Farrington Hill, and his former Plan Commission appointee, D'Angelo Lee.

Farrington, who was Hill's mistress at the time in question, is accused of working with Lee to funnel bribes through her consulting business bank account, which Hill testified knowing little about.

Hill minimized Farrington's role, and claimed ignorance about tens of thousands of dollars moving through her bank account while they were a couple. But Hill told jurors that some of Lee's behavior was questionable, at best. "A planning commissioner shouldn't be telling a developer to hire specific contractors," Hill said, referring to the shakedown demands Lee is accused of making. "Did you think any of his conduct was proper?" Busch asked.

"The things that I saw or had personal knowledge about, I saw nothing illegal," Hill replied. "That's not for me, that's for them," indicating jurors.
Posted by: Fred 2009-09-12