
Madrid bombs don’t match ETA MO - Europol head
The simultaneous bomb blasts that ripped through commuter trains in Madrid on Thursday did not bear the hallmarks of Basque separatist group ETA, the head of the European Union’s police agency said. "It could have been ETA... But we’re dealing with an attack that doesn’t correspond to the ’modus operandi’ they have adopted up to now," said Europol director Juergen Storbeck, who was in Rome to talk to an Italian parliamentary committee. "In the past ETA has always attacked individuals, and if they saw any danger for the public they gave a warning... It’s not yet clear they were the authors," Italian news agency Ansa quoted him as saying. Despite Spain’s recent successes against ETA, "there could still be other cells that have not been brought under control and could have become more extremist," he said.
I think we can probably assume by now that it was turbans, not ETA. If ETA was involved, it was as a local subcontractor.

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-03-11