
Palestinians worry that Israeli withdrawal could lead to anarchy
Many Palestinians here are brooding about the prospect of a sudden Israeli withdrawal,
I hate it when the enemy leaves, don’t you Abdul?
even though they have fought for the removal of Jewish settlers and soldiers for years.
Perhaps because that wasn’t what they were really fighting for?
Armed militant organizations such as Hamas built their empires on the destruction of resistance to Israel, attracting legions of youths willing to die in often-suicidalfutile attacks aimed at killing all forcing Israelis out of the Gaza Strip, which Israel seized from Egypt in 1967. Few of the 1.3 million Gazans have experienced life without a "Zionist enemy" to fight. Amid factional fighting and Israeli attacks, the Palestinian Authority is ill-prepared to take control should Israel leave. Many Palestinians say they worry that the evacuation is aimed at starting a Palestinian civil war.
I knew those Jooos had something sinister up their sleve.
Continuing Israeli military strikes and land grabs add to their doubts. "If Sharon considered this withdrawal as a benefit for Palestinians, he wouldn’t be doing it, unlike Arafish who does stupid things not in our interest all the time" said Talal Okal, a Gaza-based analyst for Al Ayyam, a leading Palestinian newspaper. "The price is very high for this withdrawal, but we don’t have a choice. It’s something that is being imposed on us."
We are eternal victims
Worried about public apathy and the power vacuum
Isn’t Yassir the man with the power?
that could result from Israel’s withdrawal, the Palestinian Authority, run by Yasser Arafat’s Fatah political movement, is meeting with rival political parties and militant groups almost daily to figure out what to do.
"They're leaving, Mahmoud. What the hell do we do now?"

Posted by: Mr. Davis 2004-03-11