
UN: Palestinians increasingly unable to get enough food
This article is noteworthy for two reasons. One is that the real issue is not mentioned, which is the money is drying up for the Paleos and there is no real economy to speak off. It's a state literally built on handouts. The other is that it re-inforces my view that paleos are renting themeselves out as boomers for hire and this is why I think they could behind the Madrid bombs.
After three years of Israeli-Palestinian fighting, 40 percent of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don’t have regular access to the food they need, and another 30 percent are at risk of losing that access, a UN report has found. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization said that while food is generally available in the Palestinian territories, residents have limited access to it because of their dwindling personal finances and Israeli security measures, such as curfews, closures and the creation of a security barrier in the West Bank. In a report dated Thursday, the agency said the food security situation in the territories had "considerably deteriorated" over the past three years, with rising unemployment and increasing poverty levels eroding the ability of the 3.5 million Palestinians in the area to buy enough food.

After violence erupted in September 2000, Israel banned most Palestinians from working in Israel, cutting off a main source of income. Also, Israel imposed roadblocks and other travel restrictions, claiming the measures were necessary to stop Palestinian attackers. According to the data, per capita incomes among Palestinians fell 23 percent in real terms in 2001 and by the same amount in 2002. That increased the share of the population below the poverty line - calculated at US$2.10 per day - from just over 20 percent in 1999 to around 60 percent in early 2003. The United Nations compiled the data at the request of the Palestinian Authority, conducting an assessment of the food and nutrition situation in the West Bank and Gaza from February through July 2003.
Year old data. I expect its got worse since.
The FAO recommended several ways to improve residents’ economic access to food, including a call for a jobs creation program, a public works program to rebuild damaged roads and buildings, and a program to compensate farmers and fisherman for losses during the fighting.
I.e. the solution is to give them more money.
So whats an unemployed and flat broke boomer to do? Rent himself out of course. We saw a similar thing with IRA boomers after the IRA ceasfire.
Posted by: Phil B 2004-03-11