
Ex-Husband of ACORN Worker Unaware of Claims He or Other Ex-Husbands Had Been Killed
Jake Tapper, "Political Punch," ABC News

...The most recent video -- from a San Bernardino ACORN office -- depicts an ACORN employee claiming to have murdered her husband. But when the Press-Enterprise newspaper caught up with ACORN employee Tresa Kaelke, she told the newspaper she was messing with the filmmakers and making it all up. "They were clearly playing with me," she said "I decided to shock them as much as they were shocking me."

Reports the newspaper: "Since she claimed on the video to have killed her husband, two San Bernardino police homicide detectives interviewed her at the office Tuesday. Police said they have been in contact with Kaelke's former husbands and the homicide claims do not appear accurate.

"'At this point, we can't prove that there's anything to her statement,' said San Bernardino police Sgt. Dave Dillon. 'We can't show that ever happened.'...
Posted by: Mike 2009-09-16