
Syria: Israel dumping N-waste in Golan
[Iran Press TV Latest] Syria charges Israel with dumping nuclear waste near the Syrian border, in territories occupied by the regime during the 1967 Middle East war.

In a report titled The suffering of Syrian citizens in the Golan and submitted to the United Nations, Syrian officials have stated that the Israeli regime uses tunnels in the Golan Heights to bury nuclear waste, the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram reported.

The report also charges that Israel has dug a tunnel in Mount Hermon to hide its nuclear warheads. According to Syrian officials, Israel has booby-trapped the nearby region and planted tactical nuclear mines in the area.

Syria had reported earlier in 2003 that Israel was digging tunnels in Mount Hermon to bury waste from its Dimona nuclear plant.

Tel Aviv has acknowledged that it was digging tunnels in the region but claimed that they were anti-tank ditches.

The United Nations, however, under dominating influence by the US, has yet to investigate or even consider looking into such reports. The US has always used its veto power in the UN unreservedly to provide total immunity for Israeli atrocities and war crimes against any binding actions or even criticism by the world body.

Posted by: Fred 2009-09-22