
N. Korea urges all citizens to join new campaign to boost economy
[Kyodo: Korea] North Korea called on all citizens Monday to take part in a fresh 100-day campaign to rebuild the economy as it issued a report ""on the successful conclusion"" of a similar campaign that ended last week, according to the official Korean Central News Agency. The Central Committee of the Workers" Party of Korea said the new campaign ""is the final charge for glorifying this year as a year of great changes to be specially recorded in the history of the country and an offensive for laying a springboard from which to achieve greater success next year, the 65th anniversary of the founding of the party,"" KCNA said.
Amazing. It's the start of autumn. Soon there won't be any grass to eat, only bark and mud. It's not likely the cretin-worshipping generals or party hacks will overthrow the dying old tyrant, so let us hope he dies soon, enabling the world to move on.

Posted by: Fred 2009-09-22