
Full Text of Purported al-Qaida Madrid Statement
From al-Jazeera: The following is the translation of the purported al-Qaida linked group which is claiming responsibility for yesterday’s Madrid bombings. The statement was published in Arabic in the London based newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi.
In the Name of God
In its last statement (al-Qaida statement in relation to Baghdad and Karbala bombings) dated 11 Muharam, 1425 Hijri calendar corresponds to 2 March, 2004, Abu Hafs al-Masri brigade promised that it was preparing more attacks.
Here the brigade is keeping its word. The death squad (of the Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigades) succeeded in penetrating the crusader European depths and striking one of the pillars of the crusader alliance - Spain - with a painful blow. These bomb attacks were part of settling old scores with the crusader Spain for its war against Islam.
And when they say old, they mean the Moors being kicked out of Spain.
Where is America to protect you today, Aznar. Who is going to protect you, Britain, Italy, Japan and other hirelings from us?
When we hit Italian troops in Nasirya (Iraq) and sent you and other hirelings a warning to withdraw from the alliance against Islam, you did not comprehend our warning – now we have made it clear - we hope that it will be understood this time.
We understand that you are cold-blooded killers and we need to exterminate you.
We in Abu Hafs al-Masri did not feel sad for the death of the so-called civilians. Is it lawful for them to kill our children, women, elderly and men in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and Kashmir, and is unlawful for us to kill them back.
(The statement then refers to Quranic verses saying that Muslim should hit back if attacked).

Stop targeting us, release our prisoners, and leave our land, we will stop attacking you. The people of US allied countries have to put pressure on their governments to immediately end their alliance with the US in the war against terror (Islam). If you persist we will also continue
 We want to tell you that the Death Smoke squad will reach you soon, and then you will see your dead in their thousands – God willing
 This is a warning

Death Smoke squad + dead in thousands = chemical attack?
In a separate attack the Jund al-Quds (Soldiers of Jerusalem) targeted a Jewish Masonic lodge in Istanbul. Three top Masons were killed in the operation, and if it was not for the technical failure all the masons would have been killed, but for some Devine wisdom only three were killed. Thanks God anyway.
Guess God wanted you to fail.
We would like to tell Bilal bin Rabah Squad that the leadership agreed on the proposal, and when the representative arrives, work will start.
That would be a operational message to a terror cell, note western didn’t report them but al-Jaz did.
We also would like to tell Abu Ali al-Harithi Squad that the leadership decided that Yemen would be the third quagmire for the idol of the time, America, and to teach the government which comes in the second place after Musharaf, in treason and infidelity, a lesson.
Another message to a Yemen cell, they’ve been getting hit pretty hard there, guess they’re in Dire Revenge mode.
Therefore, all cells are to be on alert. Action will start at (time and code given) – Do not forget to debilitate, do not forget Abu Ali al-Harithi, and do not forget the Muslim scholar who was extradited to Egypt by Yemen Sheik Abd al-Qadir Abd al-Aziz (Sayyed Imam Sharif). He was imprisoned three months after the September 11 attacks.
Egypt is also on today’s Revenge list.
We want to inform those who kill Muslim Sunni scholars (Ulamaa’) in Iraq to come to a halt otherwise 

Otherwise, what? You’ll make faces?
We would like to announce to all Muslims in the world that 90% of the preparations of operation "wind of black death" designed to be performed in America has finished, and will be performed soon God willing (at the Mujahideen’s convenience).
God gave the order, but you’ll get to when you have time?
Believers will celebrate the victory of God.
You’ve been getting ready to destroy the US for a long time, we’re still waiting.
Warning to the nation:- Avoid being close to the civil and military installations of America and its allies.
Would that be the Islamic Nation, or a specific one?
God is great, God is great – Islam is drawing closer by the might of mighty and by humbling the mean.
You ain’t seen mean, yet.
Signed by "Abu Hafs al-Masri/al-Qaida" and dated 11 March, 2004.
Al-Quds al-Arabi - Aljazeera translation by Ahmed Janabi

Posted by: Steve 2004-03-12