
Palestinians to Discuss Control Over Gaza
Egypt will host talks between Yasser Arafat’s government, militant groups and numerous other Palestinian factions on how to control the Gaza Strip after a proposed Israeli withdrawal, an aide to the Palestinian leader said yesterday. Israel has hinted to the Palestinians that if there is quiet in Gaza, it might be willing to discuss the fate of the West Bank with the Palestinian Authority, said Nabil Abu Rudeina, a top Arafat aide. Keeping the volatile Gaza Strip under control won’t be easy, however. Gaza militants have not succeeded in crossing the heavily militarized fence and border zone with Israel but have launched crude rockets over it, causing some damage in Israeli border towns. And inside the strip, there are growing signs of anarchy, with rival armed gangs and security forces battling for influence. Abu Rudeina said Egyptian-sponsored talks between the Palestinian factions and the Palestinian Authority will be held in Cairo and the Palestinian territories in the coming weeks, though he didn’t give a date. “The dialogue will focus on the aftermath of an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, how the Palestinians should run Gaza,” Abu Rudeina said.
Israel's forcing them to govern, if it can be done. I don't imagine it can be, but I could be wrong. For one thing, Yasser has no idea how to do it...
Although presented as a unilateral withdrawal, Israel is seeking solid backing from the United States and coordination with Egypt — and to a lesser extent with the Palestinians — to make sure “chaos and anarchy” do not prevail in Gaza, a senior Israeli official said.
Popcorn, anyone?

Posted by: Fred 2004-03-12