
Bush jokes as protesters burn his effigy outside downtown Montreal hotel
As George W. Bush joked with a business crowd inside a historic hotel ballroom Thursday, hundreds of rubes fools rustics dweebs knuckleheads communists people outside the room cheered while he was being burned in effigy.

Police in riot gear and others on horseback held back a crowd of hundreds of idiots, including several nimrods people who tossed shoes at the Queen Elizabeth hotel in a demonstration of disdain for the man speaking inside.

Two anarchists protesters tried forcing their way through the line of shield-and baton-carrying police, were wrestled to the ground, and arrested.

Ironically, this anti-war protest took place outside the same hotel where the ultimate anti-war anthem - John Lennon's Give Peace a Chance - was recorded in 1969.

Chants of "George Bush terrorist" echoed in the street as some of the 300 drooling protesters said they refused to accept that Canada would roll out the red carpet for a man they called a war criminal.

Inside the hotel, nearly 1,000 spectators paid $400 to hear Bush speak during the latest stop on his Canadian tour.

In his first visit to Montreal, the former U.S. president warmed up the crowd by referring to local hockey legends Maurice and Henri Richard. "I was an avid sports fan (growing up) and I actually knew who the Rocket and the Pocket Rocket were," Bush said.

He got a standing ovation when he first took the podium to address the eager audience.

But outside in the street, Helen Hannah said she couldn't imagine why Bush had been invited to speak in several Canadian cities.

"He has nothing to offer," the colourfully dressed goofy protester said. "He stands for modes of torture, modes of warfare and modes of lying that don't represent the way most Americans and most Canadians want to face the world."
Posted by: Fred 2009-10-23