
Prodi: US terror 'recipe' not working
Rome - After the bomb attacks in Madrid, European Commission president Romano Prodi says the US approach to the war on terrorism has been a failure. Prodi, in an interview with Monday's La Stampa newspaper of Turin, argued that success in combating terror requires diplomacy and politics - not just military action.
And we all know just who has to lead the first two.
"These terrible days have shown us that the American recipe wasn't right. On Saturday, it will be a year since the start of the war in Iraq and the terrorist threat is today infinitely more powerful than before," Prodi told the newspaper. "But Europe applies different instruments, suited to help our citizens surrender leave fear behind: using appeasement politics and not just force, which has created further fear."
Anytime you folks want to go your own way, just let us know.
Prodi also told La Stampa that he believed that attitudes in the United States were changing, becoming less set on acting without wide support from other nations. "Europe is not moving closer to the United States, rather it's the Kerrycrats America that is coming closer to us," he said.
Depends on November, but don't count on it.
Prodi also said that the EU is discussing adding a new position: European anti-terrorism commissioner. He argued that the EU needed to show a united front against terrorism, and that incidents like the Madrid attacks "will accelerate the progress toward an integration of foreign policy".
Be sure to name a Belgian as the first anti-terrorism commissioner. Nobody scowls like a Belgian.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-03-16