
Cheney won't meet with Yasser
  • Vice President Dick Cheney said on Sunday it was unlikely that he would meet with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat before this week's Arab League summit in Beirut. Cheney, who refused to see Arafat during a 10-day trip to the region that ended last Wednesday, did not rule out a meeting in the future, but said Arafat had not yet done enough to halt attacks on Israel. "I will not hold the meeting unless we see those circumstances that we specified," Cheney said. "To date we haven't seen them. But if we do then I'm prepared to go forward with the meeting."
    Watching Tony Snow with PLO spokesman Saeb Erekat this morning was almost funny. Tony kept asking "Will the Palestinians accept a cease-fire?" and Mr. Spokesman kept changing the subject and evading until he was eventually tied in a knot.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-24
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2824