
Come home, Karzai urges Taliban 'brothers'
In a muted victory speech last night, Mr Karzai said the Taliban, who he called "brothers", should "come home and embrace their land".

After winning a second five-year term, the president pledged an inclusive government for "all parts of the country".

"Our government will be the mirror of Afghanistan so everyone can see themselves in the mirror," he said.
So the "End State" will be a passive aggressive, islamofascist Afghanistan ruled by "moderate Taliban"?

The Taliban are going to reap a net profit from 9/11, since the new Afghanistan will sport a refurbished infrastructure and will receive subsidies, both courtesy of western taxpayers?

Western soldiers will be put in harms way to protect the Taliban and to secure their rule?

I think this might be more along the line of, lay down your arms and go home to your families and your jobs, you can vote using ballots instead of bullets.

Posted by: Thavirt Glinetle8858 2009-11-03