
Japanese Premier 'More Flexible' on N. Korea
Normalization of ties between North Korea and Japan does not necessarily have to wait till the abduction issue is fully resolved, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has said. Choi Sang-yong, a former South Korean ambassador to Japan, met with Hatoyama in Tokyo on Oct. 31 and sent his thoughts on the meeting to the Chosun Ilbo.

He said contentious issues like the repatriation of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea in the 1970s and 80s and other matters can be tackled separately. "Our position is that it is possible to tackle one by one in the process of normalization," Choi quoted Hatoyama as saying.

That suggests greater flexibility in Japanese policy compared to previous administrations, which made the resolution of the kidnap issue the absolute prerequisite for normalization of ties. But Hatoyama added there was "no clear message" from North Korea about diplomatic relations.

As for relations with the United States, Hatoyama said while Japan's diplomatic policies have been very much dependent on the U.S. and it could not steer its policies independently, it is time for change. The Japan-U.S. alliance remains the basic axis of Japan's foreign policy, but Tokyo needs separate policies centered on Asia, he said.
Sure. No problem. Why don't you build a military -- for defensive purposes, of course -- to back up your new, independent foreign policy? Your neighbors won't mind, they'll understand that your new military is for defensive purposes.

You see, you get just a little too independent, and we just might decide to do what we should have done when the Y'urp-peons started acting like this -- we just might bring our military home. Your country is the #2 economic power in the world. You can afford to be independent of us.

So go ahead. We won't mind. Honestly.
Choi quoted the Japanese leader as calling for cooperation with the U.S. on an equal basis in promoting humane capitalism, multilateral cooperation and nuclear disarmament. But he added Japan can if necessary take a different approach from Washington.

Hatoyama said he disagreed with U.S. President Barack Obama that the current situation in Afghanistan can be solved by military intervention. "People are turning blind eyes to the lessons from the failed war in Iraq," Hatoyama said according to Choi.
"failed" war in Iraq? Oh dear, Joe Biden has been to Tokyo, hasn't he ...
Sheriff Joe's bestest thoughts cross both space and time.
Hatoyama also said he was "positive" about giving Korean Japanese the vote, but warned that the opinion of all sectors of society should be taken into account.
By the time all the consulting is done, nothing will be.

Posted by: Steve White 2009-11-04