
GWB and Laura Secretly Visits Fort Hood Victims
While our CIC retreats to Camp David for what must be, another "Saturday nite date."
The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in secret, having told the base commander they did not want press coverage of their visit, a source told Fox News.
Just as he did with meeting so many of the families of our military members that gave all for their nation
Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura secretly visited Fort Hood last night and spent "considerable time" consoling those who were wounded in Thursday's shooting spree, Fox News has learned.
Col Rossi, in press conference tonight, stated that Bush has requested to visit and he was enthusiastically received.
The Bushes entered and departed the sprawling military facility in secret, having told the base commander they did not want press coverage of their visit, a source told Fox News.
Only cameras around? Probably those of soldiers, their families and friends, showing lots of hugs and smiles as we saw each time he visited with them
The couple was described as "deeply concerned" about military families on Fort Hood after Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly opened fire on soldiers and civilians, killing 13 and wounding 38.

The Bushes, who have a 1,600-acre property known as Prairie Chapel Ranch less than 30 miles from Fort Hood in central Texas, spent between one and two hours visiting the wounded and their families.
Posted by: Sherry 2009-11-07