
2010 elections: Democratic fears, Republican hopes
Another A-Pee article. Click on the link to read the whole thing.
President Barack Obama clearly recognizes as much. One year after his historic victory, he pleaded for his backers to be patient and asked them to stick with him.

"The challenges might not be met in one year or one term," he said in a video message last week. "We're making progress."
"Vote me in for another term and I promise everything will turn out like I hope it will."
Fear about the economy and anger at incumbents are coursing through the country, while independents wary of government expansion and federal spending under the president they helped elect are shifting toward Republicans.

Democrats will be forced to explain votes and positions on the expensive economic stimulus plan, climate change legislation and, probably, the health care overhaul. Although Democrats have a popular president on their side, there are limits to Obama's clout; Democratic gubernatorial candidates in New Jersey and Virginia lost last week even though he campaigned for them.
Limits? Every time that guy puts the reputation of the office of the president on the line he gets smacked down.
Republicans hope to pick up seats by harnessing the sour public mood and voter wariness over Obama's policies. The GOP is re-energized, but faces tension between conservatives and moderates over the party's direction, just as Democrats did between liberals and moderates when they were out of power.
And if they win, let's just hope the Trunks don't forget who put them there this time.
Posted by: gorb 2009-11-08