
Salma Hayek tells of being sexual harassed in Egypt
Reminds me of a bit in a teevee documentary about an older "french" algerian guy returning yearly to the old country to see how the home he had being built for his retirement was going (nowhere, materials were being stolen, work was substandard, etc, etc...)...
And how his westernized adult daughters REALLY didn't like going back to algeria even on vacations, because the area boyz & men (even older ones) would follow them in packs, making lewd comments and trying to coarsely "pick them up", almost just one step short from gangrape, as soon as they'd put a foot outside...
Basically, those nice northern african Youths were "like dogs" and they fended them off each time by finally "throwing stones at them". Comedy gold.

Those wimmen were muslim arabs or arabized berbers, no wonder the gypsos (egypt is supposedly more backward than algeria) went apesh9t over teenaged Salma...

Posted by: anonymous5089 2009-11-13