
Taliban video shows different perspective of Wanat attack
July 2008 Incident Shown From Taliban Viewpoint: 'We Attacked From 4 Sides'

It was one of the deadliest attacks of the war for U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The target: a remote U.S. outpost in Wanat, Nuristan. The date: July 13, 2008. ABC News has obtained a view of the battle unseen until now: the attack, filmed by the Taliban as they assaulted the base. The exclusive video of the attack was obtained via the NEFA Foundation.

The video begins by showing Taliban fighters walking on a mountain path. They appear relaxed and comfortable, walking through the area armed but unchallenged. They are heard chatting calmly on their radios.

More at source with video.
My observation: What idiot was in charge of placing a base in this valley? Talk about indefensible... If my boy had been one of those killed, after seeing this video I'd be out for blood.
Posted by: logi_cal 2009-11-15