
Stop me if you're heard this before...
  • Glenn Reynolds notes that "The American Street" is angry at the Palestinians and Yasser wonders "Why do they hate us."
    The Palestinians are losers, and for evidence I point to the cover of Newsweek's rival Time, which shows a Palestinian shooting an SKS rifle at an Israeli tank -- from the hip, of course, just to insure that he's more likely to hit innocent bystanders than the tank, which the SKS is as likely to harm as a water balloon. It's the perfect combination of boyish macho posturing and ineffectiveness, and sums up the entire Arab world in one photo. Losers!
    Those are "camera shots." If the photog wasn't there, he'd be waving his gun, hollering, and impressing the hell out of the girlies. Yup. Losers. But I like the point he makes: Why do we have to please them with no vice for our versa?
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-24
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2841