
"If We Run Out of Batteries, This War is Screwed."
Not news, but interesting background on the recent news of the need to selectively call up technical people. Also some good quotes. Go read the whole thing.
They tote M16s, but their job is to jump out of helicopters and set up packet-based wireless networks. "What’s funny about using Microsoft Chat," he adds with a sly smile, "is that everybody has to choose an icon to represent themselves. Some of these guys haven’t bothered, so the program assigns them one. We’ll be in the middle of a battle and a bunch of field artillery colonels will come online in the form of these big-breasted blondes. We’ve got a few space aliens, too." The further down the line I go, the easier it is to see the holes in the system. "Who the fuck do we look like, Lewis and Clark?" Private Jared Johnson blurts out when I ask him how we ended up lost in the Iraqi desert.
Posted by: phil_b 2004-03-18