
Help stop the spilling of American blood
Dear visitor, Rantburg is owned by Mr. Fred Pruitt who without doubt is a loyal American, but has come under severe criticism from Jews who are loyal to the State of Israel. Having lied to the American people about WMD, the Jews are now suppressing the truth while blaming President Bush.

We must not allow that spilling of American blood be blamed on anyone but those responsible for fabricating lies with the intent to incite endless wars in order to create Israel-friendly states that will support the occupation of Palestine with their votes in the UN Security Council.

Therefore, ADL USA and the American Defense League are making every effort to inform the American people of who and why is spilling American blood -- please help us in that effort. Since Mr. Pruitt has been persuaded to censor our links, simply delete spaces and add .com or do a web search.

ADL USA Member
Posted by: ADL USA Member 2004-03-18