
Episcopalians Force Schism With Anglicans By Choosing Lesbian Bishop
The worldwide Anglican Church has been plunged into a fresh crisis after a lesbian was chosen as its second gay bishop.

In a move that will dismay the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, Canon Mary Glasspool was elected as an assistant bishop for the diocese of Los Angeles.
Why would that dismay the good archbishop? One would think he, of all people, would approve.
It might not be in accord with the Druid gospels ...
The Rev Rod Thomas, the leader of the conservative evangelical group Reform and a member of the General Synod, said: 'I feel deeply ashamed that this is happening in the Anglican Church. 'I
But St Paul's Cathedral's Canon Chancellor Giles Fraser, a leading liberal, said: 'This is another nail in the coffin of Christian homophobia.'
think a schism is absolutely inevitable.' But St Paul's Cathedral's Canon Chancellor Giles Fraser, a leading liberal, said: 'This is another nail in the coffin of Christian homophobia.'
It's another nail in the coffin of something
Canon Glasspool, 55, has openly stated that she has lived with her partner, Becki Sander, since 1988. American Gene Robinson became the first gay Anglican bishop in 2003.
"God's light and God's life ooze over me like warm butter." -- icky quote by Gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson
Posted by: Anonymoose 2009-12-06