
Self Hatred proves to be a Loophole in Hate Crime Legislation
A Claremont McKenna psychology professor vandalized her own car last week and falsely reported the damages as a hate crime against her, police said Wednesday. Kerri Dunn, who spoke at a free speech seminar March 9, reported to police after the lecture that her car had been vandalized - tires slashed, windows broken and spray painted with racial epithets. Police, however, say two witnesses have come forward claiming they saw Dunn vandalizing her own vehicle. The incident prompted all five of the Claremont Colleges to cancel classes March 10 for teach-ins and rallies against hate crimes. More than 1,000 people attended an evening rally at Claremont McKenna, where students pushed for racial and ethnic tolerance and Dunn was one of the speakers. "Very admirably, the college community came together," Claremont McKenna President Pamela Gann said. "But to have within the community someone who is part of the investigation and questioned is repulsive to the values of the community."

Along with the vandalism, Dunn reported $1,700 in property missing from her car. The epithets on Dunn’s car included derogatory remarks about blacks and Jews. Police said Wednesday that Dunn could be charged with filing a false police report but said it was unlikely that she would be charged herself with a hate crime. Dunn could not be reached for comment Wednesday. "As far as we have been able to determine, the only possible charge - unless the District Attorney knows something we don’t know - would be filing a false police report, which is a misdemeanor," Claremont police Lt. Stan Van Horn said. Dunn’s contract with Claremont McKenna ends in June, but administrators will consider whether she should continue teaching at the school. "No decision has been made at this time," Gann said.
Why wasn’t she given tenure on the spot?
Gann said the college will honor its agreement to pay for a rental car for Dunn so that she can drive to work. The college has offered to pay for the car repairs.
Is Claremont a publically funded institution? If so then taxpayers just sponsored her vandalism.
Dunn was arrested by the Lincoln Police Department on September 29, 2000 on suspicion of shoplifting, possessing stolen property, refusing to comply with a police officer’s orders among other charges, records show. All of the charges, which are misdemeanors, were dropped except for the shoplifting charge. She was found guilty and fined $200, according to criminal records. In September 1999, Dunn was cited on suspicion of driving on a suspended license and failing to appear for a court hearing. She was found guilty of the first charge and paid a $50 fine, records show.
I see the defense case building before my very eyes.
Posted by: Super Hose 2004-03-18