
London climate change march draws 20,000 falling sky cultists
[Al Arabiya Latest] Around 20,000 people joined a climate change march in central London on Saturday calling for world leaders to agree a deal to protect the environment at their summit in Copenhagen, which advertisers have cleverly dubbed "Hopenhagen" to call people to the issue.
How many drove into London just to take part? And how many of those carpooled?
The protest was organized by a coalition of green groups and charities calling for action to prevent global temperatures rising more than two degrees centigrade, seen by many scientists as the threshold for dangerous climate change.

The marchers, many wearing blue clothes and face paint, made their way towards the Houses of Parliament chanting slogans and blowing whistles, bearing placards saying "Climate Justice Now" and "Climate Change: The End Is Nigh."

The Stop Climate Chaos protest was attended by Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, who said Britain would push for a far-reaching pact at the Copenhagen meeting starting next week.

"We want the most ambitious deal we can get at the climate change talks," he told BBC television from the march.

"We are taking to Copenhagen not just the commitment to reduce our emissions by 34 percent by 2020, but a commitment to do more ... We want to use our willingness to do more to push other countries -- the United States, China, Australia, Japan, everyone -- to be part of an ambitious agreement."

Posted by: Fred 2009-12-06