
Tiger Woods Now Linked To 10 Women Who Are Not His Wife
Less than two weeks after Tiger Woods' Thanksgiving weekend car crash outside his home, 10 women have been alleged to have had affairs with the married golf legend.
I'm wondering when he found time to golf...
Woods may be laying low -- even skipping out on his own charity golf tournament this weekend -- but it has not slowed the tarnishing of his once spotless public image, as bikini models, pancake house waitresses and reality show contestants come forward to reveal what they say are details of Woods' infidelities.

SLIDESHOW: Tiger Woods' latest alleged mistresses.

On Sunday, the New York Daily News outed who they say is one of Woods' former mistresses, 31-year-old divorced mom Cori Rist. According to the News, the two met at the New York club Butter last year.

Meanwhile, a 26-year-old former cocktail waitress from Orlando, Fla. has hired Florida lawyer Michael O'Quinn for representation. The woman was reportedly bragging about her alleged two-year affair with Woods before and during his marriage to Elin Nordengren. O'Quinn claims his still-unidentified client does not want to be named yet in light of her current "corporate job."

SLIDESHOW: From bikini model to billionaire's wife, Elin Nordengren.

Two more alleged mistresses have been fingered by the British press. The Sun reports one is a television broadcaster, and another is a mysterious "sex-addicted cougar."

Meanwhile, the Daily News says that one positive female figure in Woods' life could be talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey, who reportedly phoned the embattled star to offer him advice, and a chance to share his side of the story on her show.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC 2009-12-08