
Jordanian King Sez "We Don’t Want ’Em - You Keep ’Em!"
King Abdullah of Jordan on Thursday paid a secret visit to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Sycamore Ranch in the Negev, where the two leaders met over an extended lunch.
Chef’s nightmare - how do I make this kosher AND halal?
The Prime Minister’s Office declined to comment on details of the conversation, but a senior political source said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the king’s concern that Palestinians would flee to Jordan.
Arab/Islamic nations and leaders have bitched and moaned for so long about "the plight of the Palestinians" while doing absolutely nothing to relieve that plight. At last, one of them is admitting why: they’re not really concerned about the Palestinians, only with using them as an issue with which to bludgeon Israel. Now that the time has come to put up or shut up...
"The visit was meant to allay King Abdullah’s fears that construction of the [West Bank] fence will prompt a flight of Palestinians over the border into Jordan," the source said. Jordan also fears that Israeli disengagement from the territories will encourage Palestinians seeking work to come to Jordan instead.
It should be fun to see how they justify refusing Palestinians entry into Jordan in light of that "ummah" thing. "Islam means we are all a community of believers, but ... quick, Muhammad, does it say anything about sharing our jobs?"

Expect other "Islamic" nations to follow suit.
Posted by: Sofia 2004-03-19