
“Martyrdom Is Our Aim; We Will Get Martyrdom If We Are Hanged’’
The five U.S. nationals detained recently by the Pakistani security forces have said that they do not regret planning attacks in connection with jihad against the U.S. forces in Afghanistan, according to a Pashtu-language newspaper.
The five American nationals were recently arrested in the town of Sargodha in Pakistan’s Punjab province.

“Martyrdom is our aim. We will get martyrdom if we are hanged [executed],” Usman Anwar, a police investigative officer, quoted the detained U.S. nationals as saying, according to a report in the Pashtu-language newspaper Wrazpanra Wahdat.

Ramy Zamzam, one of the detained U.S. nationals, told interrogators that they had planned to obtain martyrdom but we did not succeed, adding that they do not regret organizing their plan for jihad.

The five Americans, including three of Pakistani origin, one of Egyptian descent and the other of Yemeni origin, were arrested by Pakistan security forces in Sargodha on December 9.
Posted by: tipper 2009-12-23