
Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban
[The News (Pak) Top Stories] Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan has announced that it has no links with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP),
Except for the similarity in names, of course...
adding that it is fighting only against United States.
And therefore is not involved in threatening or actually harming Afghan citizens. In fact, anyone who does so has proved himself not to be TTA, and should be shot on sight. The TTA will be grateful to anyone helping to cleanse the world of these pretenders, who blacken the name of the pure knights of jihad.
"Al-Qaeda and us have nothing in common except Jihad against the US troops," a private TV channel reported Qari Zia-ur-Rahman, commander of Afghan Taliban in Kunar province of Afghanistan as saying.

He said a large number of doctors and engineers have joined them, who will struggle to eliminate misunderstandings about Taliban's armed struggle.
After all, look at Al Qaeda's Dr. al-Zawahiri, and the AQ-AP Pantybomber, a degreed engineer with additional studies in Arabic and international business.
Qari Zia said all the commanders have been directed not to kidnap or harm foreigners, who arrive in Afghanistan for the welfare of Afghan public and a booklet has also been distributed in all parts of the country for this purpose. The Taliban commander made it clear they had no link with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.
"Really. We're not trading personnel or anything! Just ignore what we said on the subject a few months ago."

Posted by: Fred 2010-01-04