
Pressure on Obama to reveal what Britain said about Detroit bomber
Barack Obama is under pressure to disclose what information MI5 passed to the American authorities about the Detroit bomber after Downing Street disclosed that a file had been "shared" with the CIA in 2008. After initially denying that they had received British intelligence, senior American sources confirmed last night that they were "reviewing" what British information had been received on Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

The admission is embarrassing for the White House and threatens to provoke a rift with Gordon Brown. The conflicting briefing over the shared intelligence also suggests that the transatlantic relationship may have weakened in recent months.

Confirmation that Abdulmutallab's name was passed to the US in 2008 would be a major blow to Mr Obama, although it could also open up accusations that George W Bush's administration failed to collate intelligence properly.

The Prime Minister's spokesman disclosed on Monday that MI5 information had been shared with the Americans more than a year ago. Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, confirmed this in the House of Commons yesterday. The information is understood to have detailed Abdulmutallab's contacts with radical preachers but did not give warning that he might be a terrorist threat.

White House sources are thought to be furious over the British intervention, with Mr Obama already under pressure over intelligence failures concerning the thwarted attempt to blow up the US airliner.
Mr. Brown was going to tell Obama more just before Bambi refused to meet with him ...
Yesterday, the Prime Minister's spokesman played down the rift. Both British and American officials insisted the intelligence would not have prevented the attempted attack.

However, there are growing questions as to why Abdulmutalab was granted a US visa and why his name was not on a US watch list.

In an official briefing on Monday, the Prime Minister's spokesman said of the Detroit bomber: "Clearly there was security information about this individual's activities and that was information that was shared with the US authorities."

A US counter-terrorism official did not deny that information on Abdulmutallab had been received from Britain but told The Daily Telegraph: "It's wrong to think that there was, from any source, information that identified Abdulmutallab as a terrorist, let alone a terrorist who was planning to carry out an attack in the United States."

Yesterday morning, the Prime Minister's spokesman issued a revised statement that said: "There is no suggestion that the UK passed on information to the US that they did not act on." He then said that Downing Street would not be commenting further on intelligence matters.

Chris Grayling, the shadow home secretary, said: "This is the second time in a week that Downing Street had given false information to the US about the nature of its discussions with the United States about over terrorist issues. For a Prime Minister to behave in this way is nothing short of a complete disgrace. These are highly sensitive issues of national importance and should be dealt in a manner that is free from political opportunism and spin."
Posted by: Steve White 2010-01-06