
Indonesia police says blast due to explosive material
A blast that blew the roof off a house where a group of Indonesian Muslims were praying Sunday was caused by a reaction of bomb-making chemicals, police said Sunday.
That statement kind of sums up islam, doesn’t it?
"The blast was not because of a bomb but because of explosive materials that exploded," Inspector General Makbul Padmanegara told journalists at the site of the blast in Cimanggis, near Depok, south of Jakarta. He identified the explosive materials as potassium chlorate and sulphur. Police are on alert for possible bombings during the current campaign period for the April 5 election.
Muslims + elections = explosions.
Padmanegara said that the blast, that took place around 10:30 am, was due to a "low explosive" and said that police believed the chemicals were to be mixed into bombs. "A combing of the site shows that we found six metal tubes, ready to be filled ... and (the) remains of a detonator," he said.
Either the chemicals were unstable or someone ignored the "No Smoking" sign.
"We also found nine VCDs (video compact disks) on the struggle in Afghanistan," he said.
Gun porn.
Padmanegara said the daughter of the house’s owner and her husband, who were living there, are currently among those being questioned by the police. He declined to comment further.
"I can say no more."
Second Sergeant Samiaji of the local police said 21 people, including 12 women, were being questioned as blast witnesses. He could not give further details about the 21. Just before night, the 12 women, some carrying their babies or towing toddlers and all wearing veils that left only their eyes visible, boarded a police truck, the ElShinta radio said, adding that local police said they were being taken to the Jakarta police headquarters for further questioning. It also quoted the police as saying that at least two other witnesses will also be sent to the headquarters.
Any unidentified body parts?
Another officer on duty, Second Sergeant Rinto, said that a team from the Jakarta police bomb squad found five unexploded bombs at the scene. Rinto said that the house had been used for regular weekly recitals from the Koran.
"Now, please open your Koran to chapter 21, Improvised Explosives, and repeat after me...."
The Sonora private radio, quoted residents as saying that they have recently seen many guests visiting the house — the women being mostly thoroughly veiled, only showing their eyes, and the men were mostly bearded.
Yup, that’s them.
El Shinta radio quoted residents as saying that the explosion could be heard as far as one kilometre away. Indonesia has suffered a string of bombings in recent years.
Posted by: Steve 2004-03-22