
Clinton arrives in utterly chaotic Haiti
[Iran Press TV Latest] US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived in Haiti where she met with Haitian president Rene Preval and is assessing disaster recovery efforts.

She arrived in a Coast Guard C-130 transport carrying bottled water, packaged food, soap and other supplies.

Clinton is the highest-ranking US official to visit Haiti since the magnitude-7.0 quake struck the Caribbean nation on Tuesday. She held an hour-long meeting with President Rene Preval.

When Clinton leaves Haiti later, she will take with her a total of 50 American citizens back from Haiti.

Haiti is filled with fear and frustration as over three million people affected by a devastating earthquake struggle to survive. The International Committee of Red Cross, ICRC described the situation there as "utter chaos."

Posted by: Fred 2010-01-17