
US will not play mediator between India, Pakistan
LAHORE: The United States has no desire to play the mediator for resolving outstanding issues between Pakistan and India, New Delhi's Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said on Sunday, The Hindustan Times reported.
You kids settle this between yourselves ...
In an interview with CNN-IBN host Karan Thapar in his programme The Devil's Advocate, Rao said US President Barack Obama had assured New Delhi that he had no desire to play a mediatory role in resolving the Kashmir dispute.

“President Obama and the American administration told us over and over again that they have no desire to play a mediatory role on issues concerning India and Pakistan,' Rao said.

She also ruled out chances of Washington linking Kashmir to the unrest in Afghanistan. “I am not worried about that because the US is fully sensitised to our concerns on these issues.'

Admitting that dialogue with Pakistan was the way forward for normalisation of relations and for resolving all outstanding issues, the Indian foreign secretary said Pakistan must first create the right atmosphere for dialogue. “Dialogue between India and Pakistan is obviously the way forward for normalisation of relations. We in India have never turned our back on dialogue with Pakistan,' she said.
Posted by: Steve White 2010-01-18