
More international quotes...
From the link "International Reaction" embedded in the main story. (CNN)

Ahmed Qorei, Palestinian prime minister:
"The way [Yassin] was assassinated by the Israeli Apache helicopters and while he was in the early morning praying, without even respect to any of the villagers and to the beliefs of the Palestinian people. This was condemned strongly in the [cabinet] meeting, and it’s been decided that we will go to the Security Council, the United Nations."
Yes I’m sure he was praying. Was that before or after the planning for more suicide attacks?

Hasan Rahman, chief Palestinian representative to the United States:
"It is absolutely ridiculous to allege that the man who cannot see, cannot hear and who is on a wheelchair can constitute a threat to the biggest military power in the Middle East and one of the biggest in the world. That’s absolutely nonsense."
Yeah but the pen is mightier than the sword. In his case, so were his words. FU Rahman, we’re not stupid.

Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian president:
"What happened was more brutal than anyone can imagine and it doesn’t make sense. We condemn this aggression because he is one of the political symbols in Gaza. We were putting all our efforts into the peace process. It aborted all the peace process efforts. This will have reactions all over the Middle East, not just there."
All your efforts into the peace process? Try harder.

Kofi Annan, United Nations secretary general:
"I do condemn the targeted assassination of Sheikh Yassin. Such actions are not only contrary to international law, they do not do anything to help search for a peaceful solution. I appeal to all in the region to remain calm and avoid escalation in tensions."
Isn’t there some dictator at the UN you should be appeasing right about now? You have lots to choose from.

Javier Solana, EU foreign policy chief:
"The position of the European Union has been consistently a condemnation of ... killings. In this particular case, I think a condemnation ought to be stronger. These types of actions do not contribute at all to create the conditions of peace, the conditions of dialogue, which are necessary at this moment."
I like the first sentence. No shit??? The condemnation ought to be stronger...in step with the growing anti-semitism in Europe.

Jack Straw, British foreign secretary:
"We understand Israel’s paramount needs to defend itself, but we also say for Israel to carry the full support of the international community it needs to do so within the boundaries set by international law. It’s been the long-standing position of the British government that such targeted killings, assassinations, are out with international law."
Jack, you know I love you guys. You get a pass from me.

Joschka Fischer, German foreign minister:
"This is not about fearing something. The situation is as such that all must be done to prevent a further escalation. All sides are called upon to do their part in this effort. At the same time, we are doing everything to pursue a further initiative for the Middle East. However, as said, the current status necessitates a thorough analysis."
My favourite quote. How...diplomatic.

Dominique de Villepin, French foreign minister:
"France condemns the actions perpetrated against Sheikh Yassin. At a time when it is important to mobilize for the relaunch of the peace process, such acts can only fuel the cycle of violence."
"I’ve got my own population to worry about, so you understand, I have to condemn this."
Posted by: Rafael 2004-03-22