
Sheik al Hilaly shows his true colours
Condemn Palestine killing: Mufti
ISRAEL could not justify the assassination of the Palestinian Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and his killing was not in the interests of the Israeli people, Australia’s Muslim leader said today.
showing his true colours. Well Done Israel, this is exactly what is needed. Yassin was the head of a terrorist organisation, and was directly responsible for many deaths. Wiping him away will save lives in the long run. Get rid of the extremist clerics and the terror organisations wither at the root.
The wheelchair-bound Yassin and seven others were killed as Israeli helicopters fired three missiles outside a Gaza City mosque yesterday. Seventeen people were wounded, including two of Yassin’s sons.
good riddance to bad rubbish
I hope their injuries are very painful...
Israeli security forces said Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon personally ordered the helicopter attack against the cleric, whose death has drawn vows of dire revenge™ from Palestinians and condemnation from world leaders. Australia’s Mufti Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly said today the killing, and other assassinations before it by Israel, was not in the interests of Islamofascists Israelis. Nor would it achieve security for the people of the Middle East, he said in a statement released by his marionette spokesman Keysar Trad. "How can any person rationalise the murder of an elderly, incapacitated quadriplegic who has spent about 10 years of his life as a political prisoner in Israeli prisons?" Sheik Hilaly asked.
because despite his age and disability he is actively engaged in killing civilians. He has ordered suicide bombings and attacks against Israelis. He is a more legitimate target as the head of the operation than the able-bodied 16-year-old puppet that straps on the bomb belt. BUT FOR HIS ACTIONS hundreds of people Israelis and Palestinians would be alive today. He deserved to die and the world is a better place because of it. Any questions?
Sheik Al Hilaly also questioned how the slaying of civilians after their morning worship could be justified.
we’d much prefer you blow us up after dinner.
"It is height of injustice to remain silent over this crime. It is a crime that must be condemned in the strongest possible terms," he said.
i disagree
Mr Trad, who is also the director of the Australian Lebanese Muslim Association, said the Sydney Muslim community would mount a peaceful protest rally, possibly as early as the weekend.
oh god watch them reel in the ABC, SMH and the jew-hating, terrorist-loving left
He also said that, rather than make excuses for Israel, the Federal Government should strongly condemn the act of terror by Israeli forces.
Yes, let’s hand out sweets and ululate instead, eh?
"These people have always condemned acts of violence from the Palestinian side. The Australian government and every government should call it (the attack on Yassin) for what it is," Mr Trad said.
a legitimate attack on a military target? Oh are you trying to say that is equivalent to blowing up a bus full of school children? A man whose priorities are so far out of whack...
"What makes it relevant to the community over here is the statements, or lack thereof, by the political leaders in this country." Mr Trad said Muslim Australians, many of whom he said would contact their local MPs to express their discontent, were shocked and outraged by the attack.
well go home and become a jihadi then
Many people considered Yassin to be a voice of moderation, a calming influence on many of Hamas members, he said.
many people like who?
They never mentioned that while he was alive, 'cause he'd have had them killed...
"To hear so many people in the Israeli Government boasting about this ... It’s one of the most cowardly acts of terror that the world has witnessed."
more cowardly than intentionally blowing up a bus full of civilians... more cowardly than brainwashing kids to love the idea of blowing themselves up in order to murder others...
Mr Trad said only bringing Sharon to trial would prevent an ugly backlash from Palestinian communities over the assassination. "There is a belief among Arabs ... that Sharon would not have done this unless he had a US approval," he said.
yes the evil empire strikes again
There's a belief among Arabs that jinns wreak havoc unless the local holy man gets a big donation. There's a belief among Arabs that if you boom yourself on a busload of Jews you go to heaven and get 72 flat-chested 12-year-olds for eternity. Arabs believe all sorts of strange things.
"I think it is going to be a very ugly time ahead unless the Israeli people do something very quickly to bring to trial Sharon for authorising this assassination."
Bring it on, Sunshine. You will find that when you wake the sleeping giant he can crush all the little ants with one big smack of his fist.
Posted by: Anon1 2004-03-22